Duration: 1 Day (8 hour day)
Setting: Your Facility, hands-on
Price: Request Training
Resources: Course material and workbooks
Certification: Woodland Trainers Association Trainers
Topics Covered
Supervisors must conduct work in a safe manner in accordance with OH&S Regulations.
Supervisors have the authority to implement the Occupational Health and Safety Program in their work area(s), and are responsible and accountable for its implementation.
Supervisors must conduct and document regular inspections for hazards in work areas under their responsibility, correct unsafe acts, and follow up on recommendations.
Supervisors are responsible and accountable that work procedures are followed in a manner compatible with the safety and health of employees.
Supervisors must hold and document an initial safety meeting before activities begin in a new area.
Supervisors must correct workers who do not follow safe work procedures.
Supervisors must inspect all operations under their authority on a daily basis, and take corrective action as necessary to provide a safe working environment.
Supervisors, workers and Management are all expected to work together, and to take corrective measures immediately when an unsafe work procedure is identified.
Course Outline
This supervisors’ manual is intended as a supplement to instructional use for supervisors’ obligations to a safe work environment. The course outlines the obligations of Supervisors towards a safe and healthy working environment. To follow these practices will form the basis for compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OH&S) under the Workers’ Compensation Act. However, this job safety breakdown for Supervisors is not intended to replace the responsibility of all employees to exercise caution during work-related activities. The WTA requires that all Supervisors follow the intent and content of this brochure as a minimum standard.
The information it provides is offered for the benefit of those who use chainsaws. It has been compiled from “Train the Trainer” courses, fallers, supervisors’ manual publications, interviews and the observations of individuals and organizations familiar with the use of chainsaws and their safe operation. While Woodland Trainers Association, its instructors and affiliates continue to research, evaluate and maintain the highest standards of operations within Occupational Health and Safety Acts and Regulations, the authors and publishers disclaim any liability for the content and views expressed herein.
This book is a guide to some of the safety procedures to follow as a supervisor in forestry operations. It does not supersede the recommendations of equipment manufacturers nor legislation in any provincial or territorial jurisdiction.
The instructors believe the information in this book to be accurate and reliable. We make no further undertaking as to the sufficiency or applicability of the information and recommendations in this book.
All registered instructors are to follow the progressive Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.They must also ensure that participants clearly understand and sign a waiver form before attending this training program.
Upon completion of this 8 Hour training course, students will be issued a Woodland Trainers Association certificate from our individual instructors showing completion of training.