Duration: 5 Day (8 hour days)
Setting: Your Facility, hands-on
Price: Request Training
Resources: Course material and workbooks
Certification: Woodland Trainers Association Trainers


This course will consist of combination of lecture, demonstration and practical. The majority of the course will be hands – on precision tree falling.

In this guide, a danger tree or a hazard tree is any tree or its parts that will fail because of a defect, and cause damage to surrounding properties and structures or, injury or death to people. Tree stability is determined by its location and the presence of defects, insects, disease, work activities, and weather conditions. If a tree is unstable, it may fail either partially or totally. If a tree fails, it is a danger to anyone who may be struck by it.

These guidelines are intended for use with any forest activity, at any location and work site, including roads through forested areas, oil and gas, recreation areas, fire operations, and are based on native tree species in a boreal forest.

Topics Covered

Introduction: objectives, responsibilities, qualified person

Tree Identification: spruces, pines, larches, aspen/poplar, birch, cottonwood, true firs, douglas fir, cedars, hemlocks

Process for Tree Evaluation and Action: identifying defects and fall potential,  determining work activity, determine potential failure zone, determine danger to people, action if dangerous to people

Course Goals

1. To provide information to employers and managers that will help keep workers and others.

2. Safe from exposure to dangerous trees in a forested workplace.

3. To provide information to qualified people that will enable them to do the following: Recognize tree conditions and determine potential for tree failure.

4. Determine a tree’s potential failure zone.

5. Determine if a work activity could induce a tree to fail.

6. Determine if a tree presents a danger to people and use measures to mitigate danger.


Upon completion of this 8 Hour training course, students will be issued a Woodland Trainers Association certificate from our individual instructors showing completion of training.